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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - Organizer for UNFPA Mini Marathon

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - Organizer for UNFPA Mini Marathon


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Service Requirements/ Terms of Reference (TOR)


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has initiated Resource Mobilization Campaign Strategy informing the fundraising activities and one of which is the so-called “UNFPA Mini Marathon” project. To successfully implement its strategy, it is imperative to commission sport event organizer sounding professionally. Hence, the UNFPA invites quotations for selection of Sport Event Organizer (the “Organizer”) for the design and organizing of UNFPA Mini Marathon project.



  1. To design and produce the visual arts and organizing materials of the UNFPA Mini Marathon project;
  2. To organize the UNFPA Mini Marathon both on-course run and visual run expecting 1,000 on-course runners and at least 3,000 virtual runners.  


Scope and Timeframe of work

Timeline: 15 weeks from July 29th -  December 15th, 2019

The deadline for submission of questions is Friday, 5 July 2019 at 16.00 hrs., Bangkok time. Questions will be answered in writing and shared with all parties as soon as possible after this deadline.

Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in Section IV of the RFQ document, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form, are to be sent by e-mail to the contact person indicated below no later than Sunday, July 14th 2019 at 16.00 hrs., Bangkok Time.

Name of contact person at UNFPA: Ms. Doungdao Songphanich
Email address of contact person: songphanich@unfpa.org 


Answers to the submitted questions:

  • In the RFQ, we cannot find the required distance for the course run and virtual run? Please advise. It is mini marathon, thus the distance is 10 Kilometers.
  • Is UNFPA allowing the race organizer to collect registration fees? If yes, can the race organizer determine the height of the registration fees? The fee will be collected through the organizer to UNFPA bank account. However, the agreed fee for registration will be discussed with the organiser first. 
  • Is UNFPA allowing the race organizer to attract sponsorship for the race besides UNFPA? Yes. But all potential sponsors needs to be cleared and approved by UNFPA according to our policy before approaching the sponsors.
  • You mention a maximum budget for ALL the activities of THB 500,000. However, the production of a finisher shirt + medal for 4,000 participants will already cost close to THB 800,000 alone. Since we feel the number of 500,000 THB is far-from-realistic we would like to know if 500K is a typo or the actual maximum budget? This can be discussed. You can propose budget you feel it is manageable by your company.