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UNFPA Thailand

UNFPA Thailand

UNFPA Thailand

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) started its programme of assistance to Thailand in 1971. Over the past years, UNFPA has worked with the Royal Thai Government, non-government organizations, academic and civil society, with the major focus on reproductive health and population and development. See video of UNFPA work in Thailand for the past 40 years here. The key components of the current programme include:

Ensuring every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s capacity is fullfilled

UNFPA Thailand promotes adolescent reproductive health via our work in the policy advocacy for the enactment of the Act to prevent and solve teenage pregnancy in Thailand. Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for both in and out-of-school adolescents is the tool that UNFPA advocates to promote the right-based national polices, strengthening curricula, sharing knowledge with teachers and students and interacting with the general public, including private sector, on giving youth the access to empirical science-based health knowledge.

UNFPA’s work on CSE in the community, click here.  

UNFPA’s work with private sector in promoting CSE, click here.

Enhancing Population Development Capacity

UNFPA Thailand enhances capacity building, sharing experiences and good practice of maternal health throughout the entire region, especially Bhutan, Lao, Cambodia, under the South-South cooperation (SSC) initiative with the Royal Thai Government. See more here.

Responding to Emerging Challenges of Population Ageing

Concerted efforts amongst relevant government organizations, NGOs, and stakeholders at the national level (and pilot provinces) have made progress in addressing Thailand’s rapidly ageing population. Key strategies include policy advocacy and awareness raising; social and economic security; health care and services; enhancing participation in community life; and empowerment of older persons.

UNFPA Thailand works with the National Economic and Social Development Board in developing National Transfer Accounts (NTA) to understand the generational economy to prepare the country to fully enter ageing society by 2020. See more here.

Supporting SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines – but they are achievable.

UNFPA Thailand is ready to support the Royal Thai Government, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals – in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality – and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest. See more here.  

Key Results

United Republic of Tanzania

Emergency obstetric and newborn care

Emergency obstetric and newborn care coverage was met, as per the international recommended minimum standards

United Republic of Tanzania

Midwifery curricula: inclusion of special needs

Needs of persons with disabilities were included in midwife curricula

United Republic of Tanzania

Maternal death notification

At least 25 per cent of the estimated maternal deaths were notified

United Republic of Tanzania

Gender-based violence in emergencies

At least 15 of the 18 minimum standards were applied for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence in emergencies

United Republic of Tanzania

Life skills programmes for girls


Marginalized girls were reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes

United Republic of Tanzania

Advocacy platforms against harmful social norms


Communities developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms which affect women and girls

United Republic of Tanzania

Child, early and forced marriage


Girls received, with support from UNFPA, prevention, protection services, and/or care related to child, early, and forced marriage

United Republic of Tanzania

Female genital mutilation


Girls and women received, with support from UNFPA, prevention, protection services, and/or care related to female genital mutilation

United Republic of Tanzania

Community declarations on harmful practices


Communities made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPA, including child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation

What we do

UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission: to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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Country Director

Country Director

Dr. Julitta Elizabeth Onabanjo