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Fact Sheet: UNFPA Thailand

Fact Sheet: UNFPA Thailand
Fact Sheet: UNFPA Thailand


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UNFPA Thailand

Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet: UNFPA Thailand

Publication date

07 September 2023

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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) started its programme of support to Thailand in 1971. Over the past years, UNFPA has worked with the Royal Thai Government, non-governmental organizations, academia and civil society in advancing the goals of the International Conference of Population Development (ICPD) in Thailand - focusing on promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people especially vulnerable youth groups; supporting ending preventable maternal deaths through the South-South and Triangular Cooperation and providing evidence-based policies to effectively prepare and respond to the demographic change and population ageing. 

The current UNFPA Thailand 12th Country Programme (2022-2026) is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2022-2026 , and the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2023--2027) of Thailand and international normative standards, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

UNFPA has a strong commitment to enhancing coherence and synergies with the United Nations system-wide efforts in Thailand, as reflected in the United Nations Sustainable
Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) , through active participation in the United Nations interagency working groups for the implementation of SDGs 3 and 5, as the co-chair of the United Nations country team (UNCT) joint team on gender-theme group and ending gender-based violence, together with UN-Women, and as co-chair of the UNCT joint team on youth, together with UNICEF. As a key contributor to the UNCT joint team on data and communications, UNFPA will create awareness of the rapid demographic transition and the ageing population in Thailand as an evolving area for the United Nations system. UNFPA will make efforts to coordinate and partner with other United Nations agencies to work jointly to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. 

The country programme focuses on “leaving no one behind”, with programmes reaching out to the most vulnerable groups that are identified through systematic situation analysis (including the CCA), population situation analysis and country programme evaluations.  Three goals of UNFPA work in Thailand under this current country programme:

The platforms for adolescents and youth to acquire knowledge and skills on sexual and reproductive health and rights, focusing on family planning, and to participate in the implementation and monitoring of policies related to the Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, 2016 (AP Act) are functional and inclusive.

The strengthened policy implementation for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence.

The policy environment is strengthened through the utilization of evidence on population changes and megatrends, including population ageing and climate change, for
the development and monitoring of population policies and programmes.

Ful Country Programme Document, please visit, here, or the factsheet of UNFPA in Thailand, here.