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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ Nº UNFPA/THA/RFQ/22/008 “Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night”

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ Nº UNFPA/THA/RFQ/22/008 “Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night”


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Announcement: The submission date of the proposals is extended to: Monday, 17 October 2022 at 5:00 PM Bangkok Time.

Update: Questions and Answers document


United Nations Population Fund

4th Floor United Nations Service Building,

Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200

E-mail: thailand.office@unfpa.org

Website: http://thailand.unfpa.org


Date:  September 23, 2022





Dear Sir/Madam,


UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following services:


“Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night”


UNFPA requires the provision of the Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night as specified in the Term of Reference (ToR).



  1. About UNFPA

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.  


UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives. To read more about UNFPA, please go to: UNFPA about us


  1. Service requirements / Term of Reference (ToR)

Please see attachment Annex II - Term of Reference


  1. Questions

Questions or requests for further clarifications should be submitted in writing to the contact person below:


Name of contact person at UNFPA:

Doungdao Songphanich

Tel Nº:


Email address of contact person:



The deadline for submission of questions is 30 September 2022 at 5:00 PM Bangkok time. Questions will be answered in writing and shared with parties as soon as possible after this deadline.


  1. Eligible Bidders

This Request for Quotation is open to all eligible bidders; to be considered an eligible bidder for this solicitation process you must comply with the following:


  • A bidder must be a legally constituted company that can provide the requested works and have legal capacity to enter into a contract with UNFPA to perform the works of the Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night.
  • A bidder must not have a conflict of interest regarding the solicitation process or with the TORs / Technical Specifications. Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
  • At the time of Bid submission, the bidder, including any JV/Consortium members, is not under procurement prohibitions derived from the Compendium of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Lists and has not been suspended, debarred, sanctioned or otherwise identified as ineligible by any UN Organization or the World Bank Group.
  • Bidders must adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, which may be found by clicking on UN Supplier Code of Conduct.


  1. Content of quotations

Quotations should be submitted via a TWO-envelope system. Interested Bidders are requested to submit their Technical Bid separately from their Financial Bid containing the price information. Each envelope shall consist of a single email whenever possible, depending on file size.


  1. Technical proposal, in response to the requirements and criteria outlined in the service requirements / Term of Reference (ToR).
  2. Price quotation, to be submitted strictly in accordance with the price quotation form.


Both parts of the quotation must be signed by the bidding company’s relevant authority and submitted in PDF format.



  1. Instructions for submission

Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in Section V above, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form, and are to be sent by email to the address indicated below no later than: Friday, 7 October 2022 at 5:00 PM Bangkok Time.[1]


Name of contact person at UNFPA:

UNFPA Thailand Procurement

Official Email address of SCMU:



Please note the following guidelines for electronic submissions to UNFPA SCMU’s dedicated email address:


  • The following reference must be included by the Bidder in the email subject line:
    • UNFPA/THA/RFQ/22/008 – [bidder name], Technical Bid
    • UNFPA/THA/RFQ/22/008 - [bidder name], Financial Bid
    • Submissions without this text in the email subject line may be rejected or overlooked and therefore not considered.
  • It is the Bidder’s responsibility to assure compliance with the submission process. If the envelopes or emails are not marked / submitted per the instructions, UNFPA will neither assume responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening nor guarantee the confidentiality of the Bid process.  Incorrect submissions might result in your Bid being declared invalid.
  • The total email size may not exceed 20 MB (including email body, encoded attachments and headers). Where the technical details are in large electronic files, it is recommended that these be sent separately before the deadline.
  • Any quotation submitted will be regarded as an offer by the bidder and does not
    constitute or imply the acceptance of any quotation by UNFPA. UNFPA is under no obligation to award a contract to any bidder as a result of this RFQ


  1. Overview of Evaluation Process

The evaluation will be carried out in a two-step process by an ad-hoc evaluation panel. Technical proposals will be evaluated and scored first, prior to the evaluation and scoring of price quotations


Technical Evaluation


Technical proposals will be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the service requirements /TORs listed in Section II and in accordance with the evaluation criteria below.


[A] Maximum Points


Points obtained by Bidder


Weight (%)

[B] x [C] = [D]

Total Points

Proven record in organizing events for well-known international organizations working for social development or international relations and business matching





Clear and concise action plan in organizing events including media coverage plan in English and Thai languages





Proven record to guarantee minimum media coverage on the content of the event on well-known media—printed, broadcast and online





Company profile with multi-sectoral network and proven capacity to deliver the services in both English and Thai.





Grand Total All Criteria






The following scoring scale will be used to ensure objective evaluation:


Degree to which the Terms of Reference requirements are met based on evidence included in the Bid submitted


out of 100

Significantly exceeds the requirements

90 – 100

Exceeds the requirements

80 – 89

Meets the requirements

70 – 79

Partially meets the requirements

1 – 69

Does not meet the requirements or no information provided to assess compliance with the requirements



Financial Evaluation

Price quotes will be evaluated only for bidders whose technical proposals achieve a minimum score of 70 points in the technical evaluation.


Price quotes will be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the price quote form. The maximum number of points for the price quote is 100, which will be allocated to the lowest total price provided in the quotation. All other price quotes will receive points in inverse proportion according to the following formula:


Financial score =

Lowest quote ($)

X 100 (Maximum score)

Quote being scored ($)

Total score

The total score for each proposal will be the weighted sum of the technical score and the financial score.  The maximum total score is 100 points.


Total score = 70 Technical score + 30% Financial score

  1. Award Criteria

In case of a satisfactory result from the evaluation process, UNFPA intends to award a Professional Service Contract on a fixed-cost basis to the Bidder that obtain the highest total score.


  1. Right to Vary Requirements at Time of Award

UNFPA reserves the right at the time of award of contract to increase or decrease by up to 20% the volume of services specified in this RFQ without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions.


  1. Payment Terms

UNFPA payment terms are net 30 days upon receipt of invoice and delivery/acceptance of the milestone deliverables linked to payment as specified in the contract.


  1. Fraud and Corruption

UNFPA is committed to preventing, identifying, and addressing all acts of fraud against UNFPA, as well as against third parties involved in UNFPA activities. UNFPA’s policy regarding fraud and corruption is available here: Fraud Policy. Submission of a proposal implies that the Bidder is aware of this policy.


Suppliers, their subsidiaries, agents, intermediaries and principals must cooperate with the UNFPA Office of Audit and Investigations Services as well as with any other oversight entity authorized by the Executive Director and with the UNFPA Ethics Advisor as and when required.  Such cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: access to all employees, representatives agents and assignees of the vendor; as well as production of all documents requested, including financial records.  Failure to fully cooperate with investigations will be considered sufficient grounds to allow UNFPA to repudiate and terminate the Agreement, and to debar and remove the supplier from UNFPA's list of registered suppliers.


A confidential Anti-Fraud Hotline is available to any Bidder to report suspicious fraudulent activities at UNFPA Investigation Hotline.


  1. Zero Tolerance

UNFPA has adopted a zero-tolerance policy on gifts and hospitality. Suppliers are therefore requested not to send gifts or offer hospitality to UNFPA personnel. Further details on this policy are available here: Zero Tolerance Policy.


  1. RFQ Protest

Bidder(s) perceiving that they have been unjustly or unfairly treated in connection with a solicitation, evaluation, or award of a contract may submit a complaint to the UNFPA Head of the Business Unit Dr. Asa Torkelsson, UNFPA Representative Malaysia/ UNFPA Country Director Thailand at torkelsson@unfpa.org Should the supplier be unsatisfied with the reply provided by the UNFPA Head of the Business Unit, the supplier may contact the Chief, Supply Chain management Unit at procurement@unfpa.org.


  1. Disclaimer

Should any of the links in this RFQ document be unavailable or inaccessible for any reason, bidders can contact the Procurement Officer in charge of the procurement to request for them to share a PDF version of such document(s).



Dowload the form here



Name of Bidder:


Date of the quotation:

Click here to enter a date.

Request for quotation Nº:


Currency of quotation:

• Thai Baht (THB) for companies registered under the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand

• US dollars (USD) or any other convertible currency for companies registered outside the Kingdom of Thailand


Delivery charges based on the following 2020 Incoterm:

Choose an item.

Validity of quotation:

(The quotation must be valid for a period of at least 3 months after the submission deadline

  • Quoted rates must be exclusive of all taxes, since UNFPA is exempt from taxes.



Number & Description of Staff by Level

Daily Rate

Days to be Committed


  1. Professional Fees

























Total Professional Fees


  1. Out-of-Pocket expenses: 

























Total Out of Pocket Expenses


Total Contract Price

(Professional Fees + Out of Pocket Expenses)



Vendor’s Comments




I hereby certify that the company mentioned above, which I am duly authorized to sign for, has reviewed RFQ UNFPA/THA/RFQ/22/008 including all annexes, amendments to the RFQ document (if applicable) and the responses provided by UNFPA on clarification questions from the prospective service providers.  Further, the company accepts the General Conditions of Contract for UNFPA and we will abide by this quotation until it expires.





Click here to enter a date.


Name and title

Date and place


General Conditions of Contracts:

De Minimis Contracts



This Request for Quotation is subject to UNFPA’s General Conditions of Contract: De Minimis Contracts, which are available in: English, Spanish and French





Term of Reference



Event Organizer for the UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night

Overall objective:

UNFPA Thailand is seeking an event management company to facilitate and organize the quality and professional delivery of the event: UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night in a timely and effective manner.

Hiring Office:

UNFPA Thailand

Start Date:

13 October 2022

End Date:

20 December 2022



The UNFPA Thailand 12th Country Programme (CP12, 2022-2026) works in partnerships with the Thai government, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), academia and the private sector towards reduced unmet need for family planning and reduced Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and all harmful practices  against women and girls through a life-cycle approach to support Thailand to become a high-opportunity society with no one left behind as indicated in the current Thirteenth National five year-Economic and Social Development Plan (13th NESDP from 2022 to 2026) as well as the current five year UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSCDF) from 2022 to 2026 with Thailand.


The UNFPA programme in Thailand is also contributing to accelerate the progress of the Three Transformative Results (3TFRs) under the new UNFPA Strategic Plan, the ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development) agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Achieving the mentioned national and global goals, especially the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, requires dynamic and inclusive strategic partnerships from various stakeholders. In the past decades until recently, UNFPA Thailand has collaborated with a number of valued partners to deliver results planned in its country programmes as well as national and internal agendas.


UNFPA works hand in hand with partners to ensure women and girls are comprehensively supported with rights and choices in sexual and reproductive health and family planning; youth’s potential is fulfilled; mothers are safe during pregnancy and giving births; and all needs and demands of those who are left behind are highly considered by policy and plan. UNFPA Thailand has actively engaged in collaborations with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including the business sector, local and international foundations, civil society organizations, academia, and scientific institutions, as well as individuals and multi-stakeholder initiatives to make every partnership unique and ensure the quality contributions to UNFPA’s mandate and the SDGs.

The values of partnerships, therefore, should be highly recognized and the opportunity for interactions among UNFPA partners should be encouraged towards the continued quality partnership for best benefits of women, girls, adolescents, youth, and those who are vulnerable.



UNFPA Thailand Country Office is planning to organize an event - UNFPA 2022’s Orange Night, the first physical partnership event after two years of global pandemic of COVID-19 (theme to be decided later) to recognize the accomplishments and celebrate partnerships and collaboration that brings together a diverse groups of stakeholders from policymakers and donors to experts, practitioners, researchers and leaders of local communities to reconnect, strengthen existing partnership build new ones and appreciate collective results with the friendship atmosphere.


Event Details:


Date: 8 December 2022           

Venue: Athenee Hotel Bangkok

Est. running time: 17:00 - 22:00 hrs.

Est. attendance: 100-120 participants




UNFPA Thailand Office is seeking an event organizer (hereinafter “EO”) to facilitate and organize the quality and professional delivery of the event - UNFPA Thailand 2022’s Orange Night in a timely and effective manner.


Scope of Work

An event organizer will work under the overall direction and supervision of the Head of Office and the Communication Specialist; and closely coordinated with the assigned Programme Coordinator for SS/TC and Partnership for Resource Mobilization to deliver the professional services for a successful implementation and completion of the Orange Night event.


Deliverable timeframe is from 13 October to 20 December 2022, including preparation. planning and execution of planned activities. The required service will involve the following tasks:


1.    Production Concept: EO shall propose three compelling creative concepts that are aligned with UNFPA brand guideline, the set theme and concept of the event and shall execute the final concept as per agreement and approval of UNFPA Thailand Country Office.


2.    Preparation and Updates: EO shall provide weekly updates on the progress status and keep UNFPA Thailand Country Team and other relevant parties informed on issues and challenges faced for further solution/decision.


3.    Production Set Up and Design: EO shall produce and provide all mounting and technical requirements, including dressed up stage and backdrop, lights and sounds, generator, special effects, multimedia projector and screen and all other equipment as may be essential to the production concept.


4.    Provision of Talents and Entertainers: EO shall propose to UNFPA Thailand a number of options in terms of individual or group performers for selection by UNFPA Thailand. The performers are expected to be professional and appealing to attended participants, considering thematic area and scope of the event.


5.    Provision of Plagues, Certificates, Awarding Materials: Based on discussion and agreement with UNFPA Thailand, EO shall cover the design, produce and purchase of the token of appreciation, plagues, and certificates.


6.    Invitation, correspondence with participants, and registration: Based on the list of participants provided by UNFPA, EO shall manage invitation and confirmations of the VIPs, and expected guests and participants with the guarantee of at least 80% of the invited guests and participants. In this respect, EO shall update the confirmed lists regularly and the latest update should be 2 weeks in advance so that solutions could be taken on time.


7.    Event Execution and Handling: Responsibilities of the EO cover the mounting and running of the program, including scripting, direction, coordination, and all other activities that are essential to the successful execution of the event. EO shall also responsible to identify at least three candidates  of the Master of Ceremony (MC) with excellent command and proficiency communication skills in both English and Thai  for  UNFPA Thailand Team to choose prior to proceed hiring the MC by the EO based on UNFPA’s criteria (be aware and respect human rights and the principles of prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, etc.), briefing the MC, providing programme scripts, and make sure the MC is well managed according to expectations.   


8.    Media Service: EO is required to provide photography and video recording services during the event and editing of photos and videos into final products which could be shared with external audiences of UNFPA.



The service provider will deliver the following outputs:


Indicative date (approximately)

  1. Planning and Preparation

1. Three creative design concepts of the Orange Night

27 October 2022

2. Weekly updates on the progress status of the Orange Night Event,
     including updates of all the agreed activities, plans and tasks on
     invitation and list of participants



3. List of design options for plagues, certificates and awarding materials
    and plan for managing production and purchasing of materials that are
    agreed and approved by UNFPA Thailand

27 October 2022

4. List of recommended options for shows/entertainers during the
    Orange Night event that are aligned with the theme and scope of the
    UNFPA’s mandate and plan for production that are agreed and
    approved by UNFPA Thailand

27 October 2022

5. List of three suitable candidates for Master Ceremony (MC) of Orange
    Night Event based on set criteria for selection by UNFPA Thailand

8 November 2022

6. Submission of a complete design and detailed action plan for the 
    management of the Orange Night-related activities as per agenda and
    run of show.

11 November 2022

7. List of confirmed VIPs and expected guests and participants with the
    guarantee of at least 80% of the invited guests and participants.

30 November 2022

8. Onsite Rehearsal of activities as per agenda and run of show

7-8 December 2022

  1. Event Organization

9. Event management support and execution provided/delivered during
    the event

8 December


  1. After an Event organization

10. Media coverage service: at least 4 mass or online media presence
      and coverage of the event.

7 Days after the event

11. Electronic files of photos and videos of the Orange Night event

7 Days after the event

12. Event closure report detailing all activities carried out for planning,
      preparation and execution during the Orange Night event.

20 December 2022



Approximately 20,000 USD including all service fees and cost relevant to the event including the production of the event and other related expenses necessary for the successful execution of the event.


  1. Three to five years with proven records in organizing events for well-known international organizations working for social development or international relations and business matching. Previous experience in working for UN agencies and in maximizing its multi-sectoral network will be an advantage.
  2. Be able to present plans, work, and summary in both English and Thai.
  3. Proven record to guarantee minimum media coverage on the content of the event on well-known media—printed, broadcast and online
  4. Excellent event and project management skills, with a promising team of professionals for creative, technical and production staffing.
  5. Initiative and innovative energies with the ability to deal with rapidly shifting priorities and work demands from UNFPA Thailand team in organizing the event
  6. Understand and keen on social issues in Thai context

Components of Quotation

Service providers are requested to provide the company profile, portfolio of the previous work in producing corporate videos, clear and concise concept paper, work plan and fees.


Evaluation criteria

Technical proposals will be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the service requirements/TORs and in accordance with the evaluation criteria below.


[A] Maximum Points


Points obtained by Bidder


Weight (%)

[B] x [C] = [D]

Total Points

Proven record in organizing events for well-known international organizations working for social development or international relations and business matching





Clear and concise action plan in organizing events including media coverage plan in English and Thai languages





Proven record to guarantee minimum media coverage on the content of the event on well-known media—printed, broadcast and online





Company profile with multi-sectoral network and proven capacity to deliver the services in both English and Thai.





Grand Total All Criteria


