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Report: The Safe Birth for All – Thailand Project

Report: The Safe Birth for All – Thailand Project
Report: The Safe Birth for All – Thailand Project



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UNFPA Thailand

Technical Reports and Document

Report: The Safe Birth for All – Thailand Project

Publication date

30 May 2022

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The Safe Birth for All – Thailand Project, titled “Ensuring Safer Births within the framework of Universal Health Coverage”, started on 1 October 2020 and ended on 31 December 2021. Eight districts in three provinces along the Thailand–Myanmar border were selected as high-potential areas for maternal death, as they are in the high mountains and their populations live in poverty. Approximately 210,000 women of reproductive age and 30,700 pregnant women identified from these districts could face maternal health challenges during pregnancy. Reducing preventable maternal deaths among these groups is a priority. In addition, women and adolescent girls in these districts face a number of other challenges: an increasing number of repeated pregnancies among Thai adolescents due to unmet need for family planning and contraception and a lack of essential sexual and reproductive health and rights information, knowledge and skills, especially among youth groups vulnerable due to poverty and undocumented due to ethnicity and/ or disabilities.

UNFPA partnered with Reckitt and the Thai Department of Health under the Ministry of Public Health to implement a project called “Safe Birth for All” in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to sustainably improve the reproductive rights of these vulnerable women, girls and adolescents.

See stories how the project ensured safe birth among ethnic and young mothers along the Thailand-Maynmar border at link and its video at link.