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Technical Consultative Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Package 

for Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Cases in Thailand 

Thursday 30 May 2024 from 8.30 – 15.30 hrs. 

At Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld


Sustainable Development Achievement requires contributions from all sectors and from population of all genders. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) stands as a pervasive global challenge, inflicting profound harm across diverse socio-cultural landscapes towards inclusive Population and Development, which is the key to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. GBV Survivors often endure significant physical, psychological, and socio-economic repercussions, emphasizing the vital need for robust support systems within healthcare frameworks. While strides have been made globally to ensure timely and appropriate care for GBV survivors, challenges persist, particularly in integrating comprehensive services within Universal Health Coverage (UHC) systems.


Thailand grapples with a longstanding issue of gender-based violence (GBV), with women and girls disproportionately affected. Data from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation reveals a troubling reality: over seven women fall victim to sexual abuse daily, with approximately 30,000 sexual violence complaints filed annually. A stark 2022 study by the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation further underscores the severity, reporting 372 domestic violence cases in the same year, of which 52.4% resulted in fatalities. GBV cases are sensitive and more complex than a regular health issue as it requires multi-ministerial support in physical health, mental health, legal support as well as social reintegration. This require efficient cross-ministerial collaboration, systematic case referral mechanism and sufficient financial support.


Nowadays, there still are challenges for GBV survivors toaccess services, fille complaints, and pursue justice in cases of domestic violence, harassment, and other forms of violence. Inconsistency of GBV data across relevant Ministries and government agencies also exacerbate the strength of evidence for policy makers to make decisions or allocate appropriate financial and human resources to look after GBV cases. For example, the Ministry of Public Health's One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC) receives over 30,000 reports of violence against women each year, but the police only record about 5,000 cases, and only about 1,500 of those cases result in an arrest.


Amidst these challenges, the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) framework emerges as a critical avenue for delivering essential healthcare services to all individuals, including GBV survivors, without financial barriers. However, gaps persist in effectively addressing the needs of survivors within Thailand's healthcare system, necessitating ongoing review and enhancement.


UNFPA, as a leading UN agency in Sexual and Reproductive Health, spearheads efforts to combat GBV in Thailand in partnerships with the Thai Government, civil society organizations, private sector, and other stakeholders. Aligned with Thai national priorities, UNFPA‘s global strategic plan (2022-2025), UN Thailand Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework and UNFPA Thailand Country Programme (2022-2026), UNFPA Thailand focuses on transformative goals, including ending preventable maternal deaths, meeting family planning needs, and eradicating gender-based violence and harmful practices.


Prioritizing inclusivity, human rights, and equity, UNFPA collaborates to strengthen the implementation of existing policies, such as universal health coverage and relevant legislation. A pivotal initiative, the Technical Consultative Meeting, convenes to review the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of existing UHC services for GBV survivors, offering recommendations for improvement.


UNFPA's multifaceted approach includes evidence-informed policy advocacy, technical support for service enhancement, and community mobilization to transform harmful norms. By championing gender equality and empowering survivors, UNFPA contributes to fostering a society where all individuals, irrespective of gender, are afforded dignity, rights, and freedom from violence and discrimination.



  1. Review the existing UHC package for GBV cases in Thailand, assessing its comprehensiveness, accessibility, and effectiveness in addressing the needs of survivors.
  2. Identify gaps and challenges in the current UHC package for GBV cases and propose recommendations for improvement, aligned with global standards and best practices.
  3. Enhance coordination and collaboration among key stakeholders, including the National Health Security Office, Ministry of Public Health, One Stop Service Crisis Centres, and Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, to strengthen the response to GBV within the UHC framework.
  4. Discuss strategies and recommendations to integrate international standards and best practices into the UHC inclusive package for GBV cases in Thailand, ensuring alignment with global norms and guidelines and ensure that UHC leaves no one behind.




See more photos: Technical Consultative Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Package for Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Cases in Thailand